Filmide lõputiitrites on terve hunnik minu jaoks täiesti mõistetamatuid lühendeid ja väljendeid. Pakuvad huvi, aga mitte piisavalt, et ise kusagilt netist otsida.
Mõni filmidele ja filmindusele pühendunud blogi saaks siit materjali terve hunniku postituste jaoks.
Mõned näited väljenditest, mida ma ei mõista: ASC, CSA, Best Boy, Key Grip, ADR Mixer, jne.
Kindlasti ei ole ma ainuke rumal ja niisugusest selgitusest leiaksid huvitavat lugemist paljud.
Mina pole kordagi ühtegi neist väljenditest kasutanud ega teagi mis tähendus neil on. Tavaliselt ütlen selgelt ja lihtsalt, et sitt film või hea film ja ei mingid võõrsõnadest sigri-migrit.
Best Boy ja Kay Grip – sounds gay to me.
:) Niisuguseid väljendeid võib kohata ka mitte-pede ja koguperefilmide lõputiitrites.
Ma ei viitsi sulle tõlkima hakata. IMDb filmisõnastikus on kõik kirjas:
American Society of Cinematographers, AKA: ASC
An organization founded in 1919 and dedicated to advancing the art of cinematography through artistry and technological progress, to exchange ideas and to cement a closer relationship among cinematographers. Membership is international and by invitation based on an individual’s body of narrative filmwork. Use of the abbreviation ASC, e.g. for on-screen credits, indicates membership in the society. The society publishes “American Cinematographer” magazine.
Casting Society of America, AKA: CSA
The Casting Society of America is a professional organization of Casting Directors working in theatre, film, and television. The C.S.A. is not a union or a guild, therefore every Casting Director working in these mediums is not necessarily a member of this organization.
Best Boy, AKA: Assistant Chief Lighting Technician, Best Boy Grip, Best Boy Electric
The chief assistant, usually of the gaffer or key grip. In charge of the people and equipment, scheduling the required quantities for each day’s work. The term originates from promoting the crew’s ‘best boy’ to supervising, allowing the gaffer and key grip to stay on set and carry out the cameraman’s lighting needs. The origin of the term is from “pre-union” filming days when the line between Grip and Electric departments was less rigid. When the head of either department needed another body temporarily, he’d go to the head of the other department and ask him to “lend me your BEST boy”. By default the 2nd in charge of either department came to be known as best-boy. This term may also have been borrowed from early sailing and whaling crews, as sailors were often employed to set up and work rigging in theatres. There are no “best girls” per se; female chief assistants are also called “Best Boys”.
Key Grip, AKA: Key-Grip
The chief of a group of grips, often doubling for a construction co-ordinator and a backup for the camera crew, that also moves a dolly. Key grips work closely with the gaffer.
Automated Dialogue Replacement Mixer, AKA:Automatic Dialogue Replacement Mixer, ADR Mixer
The person who mixes the sound during Automated Dialogue Replacement.