Müüa korter Mustamäe metsatuka ääres. Majas toimiv ühistu, trepikojad heas korras, trepikojad lukustatavad. Rõdude piirded vahetatud, korteril turvaline topeltuks. Korter vajab san-remonti. Parkimiskohad kohe maja ees. Korter on tühi - võimalik kohe sisse kolida.
Korrus: | 3/5 |
Tubade arv: | 2 |
Netopind: | 43,9m2 + rõdu |
Panipaik: | Keldrikorrusel |
Parkimine: | maja ees parkimiskohad |
Aknad | Uued plastaknad, aknapaled vajavad viimistlemist |
Hoone seinad | Paneelmaja |
Küte | kaugküte (Tallinna Küte) |
Üldine seisukord: | Sanitaarrremonti vajav |
Valdus: | Korter tühi, võimalik kohe üle anda ja sisse kolida |
Muu info: | prügikastid prügimajas |
trepikoda lukustatav | |
toimiv ühistu | |
roheline ümbrus | |
vaiksed naabrid | |
avatud elutuba | |
puhas trepikoda | |
topelt välisuks | |
rõdud rekonstrueeritud, piirded vahetatud | |
ostja soovil jääb korterisse mööbel - diivan, kaks tugitooli, pliit (uus) ja külmkapp | |
Hind: | 850 000.- |
Kui vaatama/ostma lähed, siis ütle kindlasti, et minu blogi kaudu. Siis ma saan kasti õlut.
Tere Aarne! I found this blog through my new discovered channel for time waste espectacular: Facebook. I am hooked at least until I understand everything. Teens´pages are wonderfully decorated, full of stuff. The busier people should be (older) the profiles turn more…mmmhh…less…mmhh decorated. Yes, decorated is the word. I like the concept. I do not like to want to continue looking ofr people who do not remember me or do not WANT to remember me! Heh! Let´s see. Any way. I found this blog by chance and I liked it. First The name sounds super funny in Spanish. “Pálun blogspot” second, it is full of content. It is not an simple minded thing. The owner has made his homework! I suspect he speaks Estonian too (Did not have time to navigate it YET). If you know it, or visit it, let me know what you think. Greetings from “very busy from Madrid”
I made the speech and I did not send you the link! Absent minded? No! Super busy from Madrid Hooked on not transcendent matters. Here you are: http://palun.blogspot.com/